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Supporting those affected by incarceration into employment

In a day and age where technology is changing industries, social norms are being

challenged and life as we know it is evolving. The experience of reintegration for

prisoners is not. The stigma of a criminal record and lack of throughcare support is

causing 46% of Australia's released prisoner population to re-offend within the first

2 years post-release. This has caused Australia's prison population to grow by 

67% over the past 15 years to reach all-time highs in the past few years. The current

system isn't working. 

Introducing Reboot Australia, a Social Enterprise Throughcare Employment company specialising in employment for those who've been incarcerated. Connecting tailored employment opportunities, support services and candidates, Reboot Australia allows the dignity of employment for those seeking to reintegrate into society. 


(Baldry & Maplestone, 2003; Kubrin & Stewart, 2006;Skardhamar & Telle, 2012; Uggen, 2000).

66% of re-incarcerated people are unemployed when being breached or committing an offence.

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The gap between incarceration and employment.

The reintegration to-do list for those looking to re-enter society is mountainous. Societal stigma/bias, psychological perceptions and lack of throughcare support - all compound it. Making the reintegration challenge even harder for those seeking a future free of crime.

Employment plays a significant role in creating desistance. It provides candidates with the opportunity to build trust, belief and responsibility - all key factors in living within society that have been taken away through incarceration.

We work with all stakeholders to ensure each candidate's key reintegration challenges are mitigated and goals for the future are set. Through consistent mentoring, labour industry expertise and relationships with support services, we provide candidates with industry-tailored training opportunities to decrease the risk of re-offending. 

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To date...


Employment outcomes


Second-chance opportunity clients


Recidivism rate of the program


In prison interviews


In prison reintegration info session

Our Story

Reboot Australia was developed after 5 years of self-funded information and employment sharing within WA's prison system. Developing from the need for service, Anthony, who admittedly has been a poor version of himself at stages throughout his life, discovered his passion when sharing industry tips with a group of indigenous men at a WA prison in 2017.

'There have been times in my journey where my ship has been off course. Where I’ve been a poor version of myself. Sure, we do our best at every turn, but I could have easily been sitting where these men and women sit. I gave myself every chance to turn my life around, something everyone deserves on their path to connection and certainty." Anthony MacShane. 


The Reboot team share Anthony's disposition on the mission to change the way people are employed within Australia. With diverse backgrounds in mining, labour and construction industries, lived experience and marketing/advertising, Reboot's team approach any situation with responsibility, care and understanding. 


Head Office:

U8, 21 Napoleon Promenade

Vasse. 6280, WA

Melbourne Office:
The Commons 10-20 Gwynne Street, Cremorne. Naarm. 3121, VIC.

If you have any questions about throughcare employment please contact us here:

Thanks for submitting!

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